In September 2023, I said goodbye to Bosnia - after two cycles of the training program that began in the fall of 2011.
It was very moving, there was wonderful feedback, also tears and hugs. This twelve-year collaboration brought a wonderful treasure in the form of documentation. And a farewell letter from the friends from Sarajevo, which I would like to share with you here:
"Twelve years have passed and the moment has arrived to bid farewell to our beloved teacher, mentor, and friend Mr. Horst Brömer.
After two cycles of the training program in family/systemic constellations hosted by you, we are proud to say that today Bosnia and Herzegovina is richer for 19 of us, professional helpers (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychotherapists) trained and qualified to use family/systemic constellations in our work.
We remain forever grateful for the privilege of being your students. You have graciously shared your enormous knowledge and wisdom for so many years with inexhaustible energy, patience, and compassion.
Even though your future visits to Bosnia may be far and few between, we remain open and hopeful for your guidance and mentorship in the process of growing the family/systemic constellations community in BiH for many years to come.
With gratitude and love,
Members of the BiH training groups (gen. 2011-2015, gen. 2016-2023), Guests, clients, friends of the group, Agape Association (organizer)"
As a group of authors, we report on war, losses, violence and the search for identity in the transition from Yugoslavia to the successor states. The training of Bosnian-Herzegovinian professionals in the therapeutic technique "Systemic Family Constellation", which lasted several years, had its beginning in autumn 2011.
In 2018, our contribution about this work was published in the book "Einflüsse der Welt" ("Influences of the World"). You can also find these very readable, moving reports here on the blog (German):